TA Awards and Qualifying Exams!

Congratulations to Michaela and Connor for both receiving the Stanford Cenntennial Award for Teaching ! We are so proud that these outstanding teachers are members of our lab. The annual Centennial Teaching Assistant  Awards recognizes outstanding teaching assistant for their tremendous service and dedication in providing excellent classroom instruction for Stanford students.

In other recent news, congratulations to Nicole and Michaela for passing their qualifying exams!

New members join the group

In the last 3 months our group doubled in size! We are very excited to welcome:

Three new graduate students: Joydeb Sinha (Chemical and Systems Biology), Michaela Hinks (Bioengineering), and Nicole DelRosso (Biophysics, co-advised with Polly Fordyce)

Two new postdocs: Taihei Fujimori (from Satoshi Sawai’s lab at University of Tokyo) started in May 2019, and Jun Wan (from Beth Weaver’s Lab at University of Wisconsin – Madison) will join in January 2020.

One new research assistant: Michael Herschl just graduated from the Stanford Bioengineering undergraduate program and is now continuing his work in the lab as a research assistant.

We had a lab party on June 1st, but had such a good time that we forgot to take any group pictures!

But here’s a picture from a surprise party lab members organized for Lacra’s birthday (from left to right: Lacra, Josh, Mike, Sarah, Michaela, Joydeb, Taihei, Connor):

Recruiting: students and postdocs

We are looking for graduate students and postdocs who are interested in mammalian synthetic biology, chromatin and gene regulation, and quantitative biology.

Graduate students, please apply through one of the graduate programs at Stanford: BioengineeringBiophysics, or Biosciences. If you are at Stanford already, please email Lacra (lbintu at gmail) to chat about a potential rotation.

Postdocs, please email Lacra (lbintu at gmail).