Lacra Bintu’s Lab at Stanford University, Bioengineering Department
(If instead you are looking for Bogdan Bintu‘s Lab at UCSD, you can find it at
Studying the basic principles of gene regulation in mammalian cells with a focus on: chromatin (see: spreading, chromatin structure and memory, oncohistones and memory), transcription factors (see: new HT-recruit method to measure thousands of regulators, new human activators and repressors and mutants, viral activators and repressors, and combinations), and RNA (HT discovery of modular RBP effector domains).
We use high-throughput synthetic biology, single-cell imaging, and mathematical modeling.
We build new tools to measure, perturb, and model gene regulation.
We are recruiting a Lab Manager/Research Assistant! Please apply here or by emailing Lacra Bintu at Please attach a CV and transcript (especially if you plan to apply to grad school), and explain your career goals and desired start date in the body of the email.
(Our previous Lab Manager and Research Assistant , Sage Allen, is moving on to grad school, starting a PhD in the Fall.)

If you are interested in any of our work please reach out — see here for details and email Lacra: lbintu [at] gmail [dot] com.